Star Trek: Nova Website | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Star Trek: Nova Writers Bible | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Star Trek: Nova Writers Bible Main cast for Star Trek: Nova (people who are main and supporting) Please sent your Nova Stories to [email protected] Role Actor I like to play them. Captain Jon Devena Jeffery Combs Commander Elinna Dukar Nana Visitor Lt.Commander Julian Bashir Alexander Siddig Lt.Commander Gav (Tellarite) your choice Lt. Jeffery Bell (Human) your choice Cadet Nog Aron Eisenberg Lietudeant Shara (Andorian) Guest Stars (more than one episode) Gul Dukat Admiral Ben Sisko Gul Dumar General Martok Commander Worf ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek: Nova This series is set in a universe where the events in Star Trek:DS9 in season four took a different turn. Consider. In "The Visitor" Ben Sisko "dies" in a technobabble accident on the Defiant and is trapped in time until his aging son Jake finally realizes what really happened. In between, the Federation cedes Deep Space 9 to the Klingons and war with the Dominion, as far as we know, never happens. I think that it's safe to assume that the transfer of DS9 from Federation to Klingon hands is a direct result of Sisko's death. Sisko was the Emissary and without him, Bajor might begin to see the Federation as just another superpower vying for its favor in a bid to control the Wormhole. Kai Winn is more likely to respect and even trust Gowron's political skills than the Federation's ideals. Deciding that it's better to deal with an overt devil than an angel that might really be a devil in disguise, and knowing that she can play the two galactic powers off each other, Winn can be counted upon to secretly support a Klingon bid for control of DS9. In the meantime, the Federation has lost an experienced and enthusiastic officer as well as the only man who can significantly influence Bajoran politics. Sisko's replacements were unable to relate to the Bajoran people and anxious to move on to a different post. So the Federation decides to let the Klingons deal with the Dominion and hands over DS9 as seen in "The Visitor." The Klingons are placated and reassured that the Dominion will be dealt with by people they can trust, themselves. As a result Fed-Klingon relations are strengthened and neither power is damaged by a brief but bloody war. In order for this to happen however, the Klingons had to ease up on their planned conquest of Cardassia As a result of these events, the weakened but still independent Cardassians never grow desperate enough to join the Dominion. So with no foothold in the Alpha Quadrant, the Dominion must continue to bide its time or face a strong, relatively united, Alpha Quadrant. Thus there is no war with the Dominion for the at least the sixty years that Ben Sisko is lost in time. The series is only going to last five years, the timeline lasted sixty years, so there is plently of time to explore. Since Voyager and Next Generation, does not, make the Dominion important to their stories. So this series can happen with every episode of Voyager intact, First Contact and Star Trek: 9 Movies happen with little to no disruption in the timeline. Our Episodes are going to refine the Star Trek universe and explain many of questions that the other series did not. This series is going to have a new format of mixed stand alone/two parters and arcs. We will try and get rid of the 5 minute solutions and technobabble and add more character dialog. We will explore more about the Federation's member worlds cultures. We will not make aliens look like humans with bumpy foreheads. Any of you writers want to write these stories follow my bible which has explained all the details you need to write the stories. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------- Specifications USS Nova (Nebula Class) The USS Nova is basically similar to all Nebula Class Starships seen on Star Trek. Expect it got a few improvements over older models such as a top speed of warp 9.9, Quantum Torpedo's, Latest shields technology and phasers. Making her a lethal vessel, but still her mission still remains the same to go where no one has gone before. Character's Captain Jon Devena Captain Jon Devena is the commanding officer of USS Nova. He is a Mondorian a race of human like aliens who are basically human expect for swarthy to dark skin, dark hair and eyes. They come a world called Mondor and are members of Federation. One Hundred and Fifty years ago they were a culture entering the Indsutral age. When the Klingons occupied their world, enslaved their people and striped mined their world. Mondorian Freedom fighters took over 200 years to drive the Klingons off and asked for help from Federation and got it that was 50 years ago and Mondor is a mostly healed world and very peacefully, It like earth but has two main land masses one the size of the America's and one the size of Africa and lot of little and big islands, their is no ice caps and climate is subtropical to tropical with lush forests and nice beaches, their is a red dwarf sun in their sky. One of the good things from Klingon Rule is the shipyards, mines and factories left behind and well trained work force which has helped the Federation a great deal. Jon Devena is a son of one of these freedom fighters and from a early age wanted to see the stars and joined Starfleet. He was a good friend to Ben Sisko and still mourns him one year after his death. Basically he is a very good commanding officer and does his job very well. Jon is easy to get along. His Andorian girlfriend Lietudeant Shara (she is 5'8 tall and about 30 years old) from engineering loves him and have been thinking of getting married (note: you may like to exporle this relationship more but do not make it too smutty ,I will accept up to (R-rated). Jon Devena looks like a Weyoun without makeup, with dark eyes and a sort of Italian accent, he is about 40 terran years old. Sometimes he has a 5'O clock shadow. He likes to Rakjinto (a originally Mondorian coffee, but the Klingons made it into their own) in morning and dacha a type of tropical fruit and at dinner he drinks Bavairi (Rather like Rum and has a red or white color) Commander Elinna Dukar She is Science officer and First Officer abroad the Nova, she is first Cardassian in starfleet. Unlike Lt.Worf she not a ophran. Her father is Legate Dukar who fled Cardassia Prime with his wife and seven kids including Elinna who was only one at the time, Because his loyalty to recently downfall of Gul Dukat's father, Legate Dukar was tried to be killed and lived on Vulcan where him and his family still live. She spent nearly on that planet and know the Vulcan people well. She joined Starfleet because she had wanderlust when she was young. First she wasn't very friendly and thought all Federation people were against her because she was Cardassian. Later on she learnt to work along and make friends. She is very smart and a very good science officer and does very well as a First Officer. She prefers to take a militant approach to sutations, while Jon Devena takes a diplomatic approach. Her quarters have a lot of Cardassian, Vulcan and other books from many worlds. It's quite bare expect for the bookshelf, couch, coffee table, bathroom and bed. She not currently romantically involved at the moment, but she could be the future (that your choice as a writer, but Jon Devena and Elinna are good friends not lovers). Image her as Major Kira in Cardassian make up, with a different voice and a wired hairdo. Lietudeant Commander Julian Bashir We all know him from Deep Space Nine. During the alternate timeline I talked about the Klingons take over Deep Space Nine and Bashir is promoted and reassigned the Nova. (Note: You can have episodes where everyone discovers he is genetically enhanced and Section 31. He is chief medical officer of Nova. Lietudeant Commander Gav He is Tellarite and a excellent ship engineer. He can make those warp engines go a little faster (when needed to). Also he good at making friends. Lietudeant Jeffery Bell He is the human chief of security and tactical officer abroad Nova and is a very good officer too easy to get along and a pain in butt in times. He is 2 years out of Starfleet Academy. He is from LA. in the former United States. He favorite likes are playing hero in holodeck and basketball. He about 6 foot tall, he is African American and has a shaved head and goatee. Cadet Nog He is on the Nova for some practial learning. However this series start in start of DS9's season five. He does not come for several months. He will a recurring character like Jon Devena's girlfriend. We know him and I do not need a introduction. Lietudeant Shara She is a Andorian from engineering. She is about 30 years old and is 5'8 tall and has white hair, blue skin and blue eyes. She is a indpedent woman and strong willed. Captain Devena and Shara first meet two years ago and fell in love over that time. They have since moved in together and thinking of getting married. You can invent other characters (such as guest stars or recurring characters) Your stories will be welcome. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
More on the Mondorians | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mondorians PHYSIOLOGY: While seemingly human in outward appearance, Mondorian have a very dissimilar genetic structure. The most pronounced difference between the two races are their sexual organs. Male Mondorians have a "tentesticle" which can be manipulated with great skill. They extend out from same place as human sexual organs "fold" in over the solar plexus when not in use. Mondorians females have similar sexual organs to Human Females. Mondorian society is generally unremarkable, though they tend toward more formal and elaborate traditions and ceremonies than most cultures. Mondorian when they die, their loved ones put them on a pyre and brunt GOVERNMENT:Mondorian Republic spans 500 Prodvices, City States and Islands The Republic is the political organization of Mondor and its colonies. Its structure is a Captialist Democray, with a strong central government: a legislative branch (composed of senators from the colonies and prodvices of Mondor), and a judicial branch. Under the Constitution senators are elected by Provdical Governments for five-year terms. Mondor is divided into political zones following geographic and political lines. Republic Central does not have a lower house, instead individual providces operate under their own constitution with limited powers. Overall, the Republic determines all foreign policy and most domestic issues Each prodivce has its own parliaments and/or leader, with a repsentative being a part of the Mondor Republic Senate . Such limited autonomy is granted unless the prodivce contravenes the larger principles of the Republic Constitution. and correspondingly less Senate support. They are members of United Federation of Planets and have been for 30 years. MILITARY: They have really good planetry defense systems ground and orbtial (in case of enemy attack), with Mondorian Disruptors of Klingon design and Photon Torpedos. Their military has been abosrbed into Starfleet. Like every other world mondor has federation sercurity officers they carry phasers for their self-defense, they are usual set to stun. Offical Currency: Gold Pressed Latium and Federation Credits Bavairi is made from the juice or syrup of sugar cane. Bavari is at least 80 proof and may be white or amber, depending largely on the aging process. It is the Mondorians top drink --------------------------------------------- Information on Mondor Prime Geography of Mondor Total Area: 30,123,000 sq km Land Area: 29,123,000 sq km Comparative Land Area: Larger than the America's and Africa comibied Boundaries: Federation/Klingon Border is 2 Parsecs from Mondor Coastline: 4,996,000 km (3,105,000 mi) Terrain: mixed Climate: Predominantly Tropical/Sub-Tropical; Cooler in the highlands; Disputes: Dispute with Klingon Empire over Mondor System Environment: Federation terraformers had to heal the enviromental destruction that had came as a result of Klingon Occupation, during Klingon Rule, 95% of all species of folra and fauna were wiped out inculding the famous and revered Vorchan (type of bird of prey) and Jika (like Earth Whales), Most of planet is healed now, however many species have been lost to history. Land Use: permanent crops 2% ; meadows and pastures 2%; forest and woodland 9%, Other 1%, Wasteland 2 %, Ocean 85% Deforestation Rate: +5% annual rate of change of forests and woodland area. Local Insturides: Starbase 501 (formley Klingon Space Station), Delaya Shipyards (Of Klingon Design). The shipyards produce older designs that free up space for Upotia Plantia and Antartes to bilud newer designs such as the Soverngin and Defiant , From 2337-2355 They fup-graded Excelsiors and Miranda's, Then from 2355- date as part of Fleet Modernistion program they have produced 100 Nebula Class and 50 Gaxlay Class Starships inculding the Nova and have fixed up 20 other staships. These stations are under joint Mondorian/Starfleet operation. Mondor is home to many Insturdal firms (leagcy of Klingon Occuption), Spacecraft concerns and Weapons factories, however still 87.1% population still live in rural areas as they have for centuries. Mondor is despite it's low population, an invaulable world, due to it's highly skilled workforce and Insturdal infersurcture, which are leftovers from Klingon Rule. During the Klingon Border War. An major battle occured there, they were a fleet of 100 Klingon Ships with 100,000 Troops. An Federation Fleet of 20 ships inculding Nova,Enterprise and Cairo, Orbtial Defense Platforms, Starbase 501 and Delaya Shipyards, Destoryed over 75 Klingon Ships in a bloody battle which lasted 8 hours. They retreated after battle. Starbase 501 and the Delaya Shipyards were damged only minor damage and 5 Starships were destoryed and 10 had Major damage. It was a very sucessfully battle and the Klingons did not bother to attack Mondor during rest of war, However the Klingons manged to beam down their troops just after they decolaked. The Ground battle lasted over 5 days and over 1 million people were killed in the attack. Mondor is going to take a few months before returning to normal. People of Mondor Population 2372: 282 225 500 Population Density: 9.4 persons/sq km Urban Population: 39,271,323 Urban Percentage: 13.9 % of total population Population Growth (2372 est.): 51,000 Population Growth Rate (2372 est.): 0.2 % annually Population Doubling Time: 465.74 years Births (2372 est.): 2 805 095 annually Birth Rate: 9.70 births per 1,000 population. Fertility Rate: 1.26 children per woman. Deaths (2372 est.): 2 747 260 Death Rate: 9.50 per 1,000 population. Population Under Age 15, Total: 48 293 895 Population Under Age 15, Percent: 16.7 % Population Over Age 65, Total: 41 873 990 Population Over Age 65, Percent: 14.5 % Life Expectancy: 76.5 years Life Expectancy, Female: 79.7 years Life Expectancy, Male: 73.2 years Marriages (latest year available): 1 558 695 Marriage Rate: 5.4 per 1,000 population. Divorces (latest year available): 274,000 Divorce Rate: 0.96 per 1,000 population. Religious Affiliations: Mondorian 95%, None 5% Government of Mondor Capital: Mon Remonda (4.1 Million) Type: Member World of Federation/Republic Long Form of Name: Mondorian Republic Independence: (2 June 2336) , From the Klingon Empire Administrative Regions: 550 Prodvices, Cities and Regions Constitution: Mid 2336, joined the Federation in 2350 National Holiday: Victory Day, 2 June (2336) Legal System: Based on Mondorian civil law system, with Klingon and Federation law elements; appeals treated by judicial review under certain conditions in Constitutional Court; has not accepted compulsory federation jurisdiction. The planet has the death senentece (Phasering or spacing) for Murder and Treason. Executive Branch: Federation Council, President of Senate Legislative Branch: unicameral Senate of the Republic at Mon Remonda Judicial Branch: Constitutional Court and Federation High Court Suffrage: Universal at age 15 Leaders: Chief of State: President Clara Membetti (since Stardate 47573.1), Federation degate Jan Doanna (since Stardate 47025.4) Defense Expenditures to Starfleet: 22.7 billion Credits, 0.2% of GDP Military Branches: Starfleet Lanuages: Modern Mondorian, Sizeable minorites speak Klingonese, Federation Standard and Classical Mondorian, Universal Translators have elmiated all language barriers, Mondorians speak Federation standard in a sort of Italian accent. Officers in Starfleet: 280,000 Starfleet Sercurity, 10,000 Starfleet science, 1,000 Starfleet Naval highest ranking Mondorian in Starfleet is Captain Jon Devena of USS Nova Nearest Starfleet Acadmey Campus: Mondorian Naval Acadmey (Starfleet Owned) servicing 5 Sectors and 6 billion people inculding Mondor, Captain Jon Devena attended the acadmey | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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